Temperament Chart
Different Temperaments can create harmony.
Different Temperaments can create harmony.
It's time to build a more intimate woman-to woman relationship with your little girl, at a special talk and many ongoing ones.
The Six M's for pre-puberty girls:
1. Modesty: Dressing with dignity as you grow in womanhood and beauty helps avoid the problem of provoking the eye of disrespectful men. Enhance feminine beauty without drawing attention to your body parts so men will see you as a person rather than a body with parts he likes. The purpose of a bra is to support, protect and cover, not show off. Keep all private parts and covered without slits, short skirts, short shorts or peek-a-boo, tight or see-through clothes. Disrobing is saved for the wedding night. She must work to keep her mind pure from sexy movies, magazines, websites, romance novels and TV shows. Her modesty in dress and speech protects her purity and chastity.
2. Menstrual cycle: Normal process to prepare for motherhood, not a sickness, usually not painful. Happens monthly from puberty to menopause, stops during pregnancy. Purpose of cycle (preparing uterine lining) is fulfilled during pregnancy. How to use sanitary supplies. Celebrate this privilege of womanhood and fertility together. Improve diet to prevent PMS. Discuss fetal growth and development using pro-life materials if you haven't already. Discussion of conception is optional until puberty if she doesn't ask...
Boys at 10 need less physical information, as they are 2-4 years from puberty. But because of the culture, they need more spiritual and emotional discipline that needs to be developed now before the testosterone rolls, to avoid "testosterone RULES." Initial talks with sons should be kept on a high, Godly plane, to avoid the danger of trivializing the sacred and deep mysteries of life. Any further physical details requested before puberty should be answered briefly with constant reference to God.
The Seven C's for Boys:
1. Christ rules as your model of love, kindness, humility, courage and strength. Courtesy and respect for women is important for boys who want to become strong Christian men. Develop the courage to go to the cross to live for Christ. Pray to hear Christ's call to vocation and be prepared to respond to Him.
2. Commandments: Review them together, possibly using the summary pages at the back of the Catechism, explaining what you think he needs at this age. For example, 6th commandment: certain kisses and embraces are allowed by God for married persons, which would be impure for unmarried. 9th commandment: dismiss impure or sinful thoughts by thinking something good. Form a conscience well, and go to Confession regularly (every two to four weeks). Hopefully, Dad is the leader in this. Don't let your soul get wimpy because it's full of venial sins. Seek your confessor's advice on doubts or temptations. Avoid "occasions of sin."
3. Chastity is the ideal virtue for men to develop. This form of purity of mind, words and body will help you live out your vocation, whether you are later called to Christian marriage, priesthood, religious life…