Different Temperaments can create harmony.
Strengths: | Weaknesses: |
Storytelling | Exaggeration |
Colorful descriptions | Lies |
Commanding voice | Loud mouth |
Friendly nature | Talks to anyone |
Free thinker | Undisciplined |
Casual attitude | No sense of time |
Un worried nor | Late for everything |
Loves to shop | Overspends, in debt |
Generous | Gives to everyone |
Optimistic | Can’t think ahead |
Spontaneous | Never plans |
Magnetic personay | Fills the house up |
Strengths: | Weaknesses |
Neat and meticulous | Obsessive neatness |
Money manager | Stingy |
Deep thinker | Won’t talk |
Strengths: | Weaknesses: |
Neat and meticulous | Obsessive Neatness |
Money manager | Stingy |
Deep thinker | Won’t talk |
Introspective | Brooding |
Serious mind | Depressed |
Plans ahead | No spontaneity |
Persistent | Won’t give up |
Sensitive | Easily hurt |
Analytical | Takes forever |
Idealistic | Out of touch |
Detailed | Nit-picking |
Long-term memory | Unforgiving |
Strengths: | Weaknesses: |
Strong leader | Bossy |
Quick thinker | Foolhardy decisions |
Good at business | Takes impulsive steps |
Works hard | Becomes workaholic |
Persuasive | Con artist |
Strong-willed | Stubborn |
Competitive | Must win |
Self-reliant | Doesn’t need you |
Straight talk | lnsulting |
Fast decisions | Impatient |
Strengths: | Weaknesses: |
Easygoing | Lazy |
Peaceful | Not exciting |
Enjoys good TV | Watches anything |
Appears to listen | Tunes you out |
Smiles and nods | Doesn’t hear a word |
Cool, detached look | Is detached |
Consistent | Stuck in a rut |
Adaptable | Indecisive |
Soft, low voice | Mumbles |
Fits in anywhere | Lost in the crowd |
Balanced thinker | No opinion |
Seductive look | Too tired |
From ‘Personality Plus” by Florence Littauer Revell Books. 2001.